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Tricktrades - Line In The Sand

I have taken years and years to hone my skills as a day trader. Now I want to give you insight into the thought process it takes to be lucrative and fortunate in the stock market. After years of trial and error, I have perfected my craft and have successfully proved over and over again how the mindset of the masses thinks.

This has led me to identify the elusive “unicorn” of stock charts…

The mysterious “Line in the Sand”.

I use this discovery to my advantage by being able to successfully plan trading strategies around key levels on stock charts.

Once the masses of traders cross that magical “line in the sand” on the charts…it’s pretty much guaranteed a home run. I have used this information to bank huge and formulate strategies that have been proven and consistent, not over weeks and months, but years.

Now you can learn how to identify the “Line in the Sand” and start crushing the market…

Learn the basis and foundation of all TrickTrades trading strategies

  • Advanced charting psychology (discover where stocks become almost too predictable at certain key levels
  • Advanced market psychology (watch as I show you why I enter or exit when I do)
  • How to be predictive with high odds of success (see why stocks run or fall when they do…and it’s not what you think)
  • How to see the direction of a stock before it moves (this is so predictable it’s almost too easy…and you won’t believe why you never saw it for yourself)
  • Catch monster moves on all stocks… not pennies… POINTS… all based on the psychology of the masses (it’s when you think the trade is over is when it really starts…learn how to find it for yourself)

These strategies work on small, mid, and large caps

Gain confidence in all aspects of trading (when I show you the secret of how the masses think it will make you trade in a whole different way)

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