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Trade Smart University – Total Fibonacci Trading 2018

Price Forecasting So Good You Will Amaze Yourself.

Fibonacci Analysis has stood the test of time. The core principles date back over 2,000 years!

Who It's For

You have some experience trading and are ready to take analysis (Step 1) to new heights. The accuracy of Fibonacci analysis might be surprising to you!

Declutter those endless lines that make your chart nearly impossible to make a trading decision.

Total Fibonacci Trading is not intended for brand new traders. However, you will love this 8-class, comprehensive course if you have a few trades under your belt and are looking for a more accurate analysis to support your trading decisions.

Why It Works

There is a mathematical rhythm to life. Pythagoras figured this out nearly 2,000 years ago and labeled it the Golden Ratio. From weather to anatomy, you can often find representations of this ratio in the natural world!

Fibonacci Analysis is built upon the Golden Ratio.

It makes sense. If we are used to experiencing life in reference to this perfect ratio, it's likely to also influence how the masses enter and exit the market.

People are surprisingly "patternable." Once you understand how these patterns relate to the perfect, Golden Ratio, the quality of your analysis will skyrocket. It's almost like cheating once you see the pattern!

What You'll Learn

8 On-Demand Classes  |  12 Hours of Content

  • Class 1: The Amazing World of Fibs!
  • Class 2: Focusing Your Trading Grid
  • Class 3: Better Price Targeting
  • Class 4: The X-Axis
  • Class 5: Fibonacci & Elliot Wave
  • Class 6: Trade Setups
  • Class 7: Fibs & Intraday Trading
  • Class 8: The Ultimate Trading Plan

What to Expect

After completing this course, you'll be ready to throw away those over-cluttered and confusing charts. You know the type -- the ones with so many lines you can't make any trading decisions!

Fibonacci analysis done correctly will liberate your chart from endless lines. It creates laser-focused price forecasting and confidence in your trading decisions.

You will never wonder if a stock is trading in a predictable manner. You will never wonder where to get in and out of the trade. And, most importantly, you will never ever miss the millions of lines!

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