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The power was given to you at the moment you were born. Its source is unlimited. And when you seize it, you'll have everything you need to create a life filled with more passion, excitement, confidence, and joy than you've ever dreamed.

Isn't it time to and claim your extraordinary potential? How do you really want to live? What are you most excited about? What are you grateful for? Do you often feel "stuck" in your life? Are you unable to make changes or break through past beliefs? We often look outside ourselves for these answers. When we do, we give away our power. It's time to find your own answers.uncover your own internal motivations.and set your own rules!

In Anthony Robbins' exciting live audio seminar you'll discover how to transform your limiting beliefs, adding new meaning and depth to your life. You'll learn to tap into your deepest, most personal resources, to become all that you truly desire and deserve. And when you begin to claim the abundant rewards your future has in store, you'll not only make a remarkable improvement in your life-but consequently, in our world. In Tony shows you how to live your life not by hope.not by chance.but by design.

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