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Demark on Day-Trading Options

Use elite day trading strategies for impressive options trading results. Electronic day trading of Internet stocks may be making the headlines…but the entire field of day trading has exploded! DeMark on Day Trading Options is the first book to combine two of today’s hottest trading phenomena–day trading and options trading–into one exciting blueprint for making money in volatile markets.

After first reviewing the basics of options, Tom DeMark–renowned as a pioneer in technical analysis–breaks new ground by introducing methods and techniques specifically designed for day trading options. He provides insights on selecting the best options to trade for specific markets, details how traders can accurately predict market movements and introduces the ingenious option trading variable he developed

Book Description With the explosion of electronic day trading, it is easy to overlook the fact that the entire field of day trading is experiencing an incredible growth curve. The outstanding success of Jake Bernstein’s The Compleat Day Trade II highlight this real phenomenon. Best-selling Wiley author Tom DeMark brings his technical analysis expertise to this red-hot area. The marriage of day trading and options has never been tackled in book form. Day trading options is the next great opportunity for investors seeking huge rewards in today’s volatile markets.

For the individual investor who wants to get in on this fast-paced activity, day trading options offers a way to make huge profits regardless of market direction. DeMark on Day Trading Options combines the excitement of day trading with the continuing and growing popularity of options trading. This combination breaks new ground and taps into a new market. DeMark on Day Trading Options shows the reader how to trade effectively using the authors’ specially developed techniques. DeMark on Day Trading Options covers: option basics for the day trader; commonly used day trading methods; selecting the best options to day trade; measuring market sentiment.

The authors also offer their own option trading variable–the missing link to trading options successfully. In addition, DeMark on Day Trading provides insights on choosing options to trade, using option activity to predict market movements, and indicators to improve trading performance.

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