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– Advanced CMT Topics 7 DVD

CMT Level I 2021: An Introduction to is the ultimate study text that fully prepares you to demonstrate basic competencies of an entry-level analyst and pass the CMT® exam. The Level I CMT® Curriculum, accessible via your account, helps you develop a working knowledge of terminology, plus the ability to discuss key concepts and analytical tools.

Topics explored in CMT Level I 2021: An Introduction to include theory and history, markets, market indicators, construction, confirmation, cycles, selection and decision, system testing, and statistical analysis.

CMT Level II 2021: The Theory and Analysis of fully prepares you to build upon the concepts covered in Level I and apply complex analytical techniques. Developed by the CMT Association using the CMT body of knowledge, this essential curriculum is the key to passing the Level II exam.

Topics explored in CMT Level II 2021: The Theory and Analysis of include chart development and analysis, volatility in today’s financial markets, behavioral finance, risk management concepts, and more.

CMT Level III 2021: The Integration of prepares you to use critical analysis skills, foundational knowledge from Level I, and applications from Level II to arrive at well-supported investing and trading recommendations. Developed by the CMT Association using the CMT body of knowledge, this essential curriculum is the key to passing the Level III exam.  

Topics explored in the Level III curriculum include asset relationships, portfolio management, behavioral finance, and volatility analysis.

Advanced CMT Topics 7 DVD offers 7 DVDs covering topics relevant for success in the CMT Levels 1, 2 and 3.

DVD 1 - 01 - Bruce Kamich - Point & Figure Charting

DVD 2 - 02 - Steven Poser - Elliott Wave

DVD 3 - 03 - Mike Rocca - Commodities

DVD 4 - 04 - William Dale - Foreign Exchange

DVD 5 - 05 - Steve Nison - Japanese Candle Charting

DVD 6 - 06 - Rob Kepler - Fixed Income

DVD 7 - 07 - Peter Martin - Equities

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