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- MMfx Course August 2011 + MT4 Ind. Jan 2012

One thing Steve teaches is that you have to treat Forex trading like a business and not a hobby. To treat forex as a business, you have to spend hours and hours of your own time doing your own practice, research, and training. To come to the trading terminal with no idea what you are doing, or how the market works, fueled up with the idea of making a fortune with a few mouse clicks ...then you are basically asking for the brokers to take your money off you.

Steve's material is highly entertaining and enlightening. However, none of it will be any use to you unless you train your brain to read charts, and are willing to commit a significant amount of time marking up charts, and practicing on a demo account before going live.

Could Steve's material be any better to help the struggling traders who can't quite master the method right off the bat? Absolutely.

Steve appears to understand this and constantly works on his material in order to communicate the knowledge he has in better ways... but like all academic courses, some students are going to get high marks right away, others will get them eventually after a lot of work, and some students simply won't do the work, give up, and fail to pass.

What I do know is that my manual trading skills have vastly improved since taking his course and putting in hours and hours of practice... making a habit of coming to the trading terminal daily to mark up the charts. On more than one occasion I have been able to enter trades very close to the best possible entry points and get out at the best possible exit points with very low stop losses. Unimaginable to me before taking the course.

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