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Simpler Trading   (Basic Package) 2022 by John Carter

Check out Weekly Wires 2022 Pro Package and Weekly Wires 2022 Elite Package

If you’re looking for a way to make a living from trading while also building wealth, this strategy can show you how.  uses a combination of weekly options trades to yield consistent income and account growth.

Now you can learn when to go for big directional gains, when to trade for income, and when to execute a combination of both.  is a powerful strategy to minimize risk and maximize consistent gains.

John Carter, Founder of Simpler Trading, originated this strategy to help him plan for 2.5% gains weekly so he could double his account each year.

Low-risk options strategy designed to double accounts with only minutes each week

This training is designed to help you stack the odds in your favor on every trade.

is designed to bring in over 120% returns with low-risk option income setups.

Low-risk options strategy designed to double accounts with only minutes each week

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