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- Trading Time New Methods in Technical Analysis

Trading Time - has a double meaning, referring to the allocation of the time to trade, and also understanding the critical information regarding where you are in a time when a trade is placed. This facet of time has many characteristics: the timeframe of the chart that was used? How critical is the immediate price action directly after the trade is placed? At what point in time is the trade within the trend, or are we at the end of the trend? How strong is the trend, based on the time it has existed? What is the risk and expectation in relation to time? What is the dominant and correct time frame to be trading? Obtaining a true measure of expectation in any one period of time is critical to improving the chances of success. Fear and greed can be removed from the equation, providing a framework for the good trader and an understanding of risk and expectation to the new one. This book looks at the characteristics of time in detail, using propriety studies that analyze time through referencing each part of the day to its previous behavior at similar periods previously.

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