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"research results"
Showing 1-50 of 143 items.

Dean Albrecht – Taking Advantage Of The Markets With Quant Research

Dean Albrecht - Taking Advantage of the Markets with Quant ResearchQuantitative Research…the recognition of non-random, recurring patterns. Be introduced to this process as applied to the markets, and see the amazing results of a system that...

Nino Boccara – Modeling Complex Systems

Nino Boccara – Modeling Complex SystemsReviewFrom the reviews of the second edition:“Boccara’s approach is firmly based on dynamical systems theory, differential equations, and maps, with a very solid mathematical treatment, cast at times in terms of...

Oz Shy – How to Price

Oz Shy – How to PriceA Guide to Pricing Techniques and Yield Management.Over the past four decades, business and academic economists, operations researchers, marketing scientists, and consulting firms have increased their interest and research on pricing...

Raymond Merriman – The Ultimate Book On Stock Market Timing (Volume II) Geocosmic Correlations To Investment Cycles

The Ultimate Book On Stock Market Timing (Volume II) Geocosmic Correlations To Investment Cycles GEOCOSMIC CORRELATIONS TO INVESTMENT CYCLES BY RAYMOND MERRIMAN The second printing of “The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing Volume 2: Geocosmic...

Springer Finance – The Mathematics Of Arbitrage

Springer Finance – The Mathematics of ArbitrageProduct DescriptionProof of the “Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing” in its general form by Delbaen and Schachermayer was a milestone in the history of modern mathematical finance and now forms...

David E.Goldberg – Genetic Algorithms In Search, Optimization & Machine Learning

David E.Goldberg - Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization & Machine LearningFrom the Back CoverThis book brings together - in an informal and tutorial fashion - the computer techniques, mathematical tools, and research results that will enable...

Market Crash – 13 Market Moves Formula


Jonathan Dane – Facebook Ads Mastery

Jonathan Dane – Facebook Ads MasteryEverything you need to know to master Facebook and Instagram ads in a simple, quick, and effective manner.Instead of an “all-you-can-eat buffet”, wouldn’t it be great to know exactly what you...

Ben Adkins – Advertorial Master Class Advanced Platinum

Ben Adkins – Advertorial Master Class Advanced PlatinumIf You're One of the Next 100 To Sign Up, You Also Get Access to the Live "Local Advertorial Master Class" Call.THIS PAGE WILL CLOSE WHEN ALL 100 SEATS...

Quantifiable Edges – Quant Edges Swing Trading Course by Rob Hanna

Quantifiable Edges – Quant Edges Swing Trading Course by Rob Hanna The Quantifiable Edges Swing Trading Course is designed for traders of all types and experience levels who are looking to better understand market behavior and...

Freedom Farmers – Start A Microgreens Business From Scratch


Eric Louviere – Spin Click

Eric Louviere – Spin ClickHere’s How To Earn Up To $10,000 Per Month In The Next 20-30 Days With Facebook And LinkedIn… Even If You Are Brand New And Have Zero Skills!Heck, You Could Earn Much More...

Sujan Patel – Content Marketing Bootcamp

Sujan Patel – Content Marketing BootcampA blueprint for growing your business using content marketingContent Marketing Bootcamp is a 10-week training program where you’ll discover exactly what you need to do to leverage content marketing to drive...

Adam Badrat – Adsense Arbitrage: Build A Professional Arbitrage Website

Adsense Arbitrage: Build a Professional Arbitrage Website Complete guide to building a successful Adsense arbitrage site & professional content research and monetization strategies What you'll learn Create a fantastic arbitrage website using WordPress Get access to...

Tung Tran – AMZ Affiliate Bootcamp

Tung Tran – AMZ Affiliate BootcampMake An Extra $1000 – $2000 a Month with Affiliate Marketing Learn my proven step-by-step system to build, rank & profit from Amazon affiliate websites.Do you want to make money online...

Mr. X – SEO Whitehat Link Building

Mr. X – SEO Whitehat Link BuildingA Step-by-Step SEO Ranking Video Every Week, from Long Time Friend and SEO Expert That Used To Be Jimmy's Rival in One of the Most Competitive SEO Spaces In The...

Perry Belcher – VSL Story Selling System

Perry Belcher – VSL Story Selling SystemFellow Marketers, Can you tell a 6-second story? That’s all it takes to at least DOUBLE the results of any VSL you’ll ever write. (emails too for that matter)That’s ALL it takes...

Charles Floate – The Six Figure Freelance SEO

Charles Floate – The Six-Figure Freelance SEOThis eBook is not meant to teach you how to do SEO for clients, it's meant to teach you how to make a career out of it.Just the thought of...

Bree Weber – Cold Pitch Masterclass + Cold Pitch Playbook

Bree Weber – Cold Pitch Masterclass + Cold Pitch PlaybookWISH YOU COULD WORK WITH YOUR WISHLIST CLIENTS TODAY INSTEAD OF WAITING MONTHS OR YEARS FOR THEM TO COME TO YOU?Your business was supposed to give you...

Joshua Lisec – 8020 Fiction System

Joshua Lisec – 8020 Fiction SystemThe 80/20 Fiction System is a proven and repeatable 30-day method to research, plot, and write a best-selling novel for a hungry reader market.Crafted from Joshua Lisec and Adam Lane Smith's...

Paul Clifford – The Authority Profit Machine

Paul Clifford – The Authority Profit MachineMODULE 1 – The Big Picture (This is your TICKET to fast and guaranteed success with your APM eBook.)Birds-eye view of the overall APM funnel and how to bang one...

Nat Eliason – SEO for Solopreneurs

Nat Eliason – SEO for SolopreneursThe 80/20 SEO for Creators & EntrepreneursSEO promises passive recurring traffic and revenue. But the industry makes it seem like a horribly complex mix of art and science.SEO is not that complicated. It's actually elementary...

Wyse Team – YouTube Xcelerator Program

Wyse Team – YouTube Xcelerator ProgramKeyword Research + Title CreationWe will be providing you with our advanced keyword and topic research strategies. What we showed you in this video on keyword research is just one way...

Brian Shannon – Maximum Trading Gains With Anchored VWAP

Brian Shannon – Maximum Trading Gains With Anchored VWAP Maximum Trading Gains with the Anchored VWAP results from decades of research and application by the author. It builds on Shannon's foundational book, Technical Analysis Using Multiple...

Wealthy Education – Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Trading Masterclass

Wealthy Education – Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Trading Masterclass Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Trading - Earn Extra Passive Income Weekly Trading Crypto & Altcoin Using Technical Analysis Attention Crypto Traders, Investors & Wealth Seekers! Finally, You’ll Earn Extra Passive Income...

Madhav V. Rajan – Horngren's Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 16th Edition (Horngren/Datar/Rajan)

Madhav V. Rajan – Horngren's Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 16th Edition For undergraduate and MBA Cost or Management Accounting courses. The text that defined the cost accounting market Horngren’s Cost Accountingdefines the cost accounting market...

Nathan Gotch – Gotch SEO Academy 2.0

Nathan Gotch – Gotch SEO Academy 2.0 How to Quickly Learn SEO Without Any Marketing Experience The opportunity to grow your business using SEO is bigger than ever. The opportunity for you to turn SEO into a career is bigger than...

Surfer – SEO Writing Masterclass

Surfer – SEO Writing Masterclass Catapult your content strategy into the future of SEO with Surfer’s all-in-one, AI-backed, and user-friendly content creation platform. Use this SEO content writing course as an all-level introduction to Surfer and SEO;...

Mark William – Make Them Convert

Mark William – Make Them ConvertDo you struggle to write high-converting ads that interrupt, shock, and convert your audience?Do you stare at a blank screen for hours frustrated, not knowing what to write?Or do you want...


Justin Borge – TURNING SEARCHES INTO TRAFFICA course on Keyword Research and Content Strategy. Take our process and use it for yourself, use it for your business and your clients.CONTENTSStart HereIntro to Course2 minsHow to Get...

Leon Castillo – Selfmastered Evolution 3.0

Leon Castillo – Selfmastered Evolution 3.0Identify bottlenecks & validate growth opportunitiesSelfmastered proprietary diagnostics provide an accurate analysis of the performance of the business and the entrepreneur leading it. Use this diagnosis to identify bottlenecks, understand the gap between...

Martin Pring – Market Analysis Companion For Metastock

Martin Pring - Market Analysis Companion for MetastockDetailed explanation and information to analyze the U.S. stock market for better trading results. Including 10 movie tutorials using marketplace examples of specific indicators such as the A/D line,...

Charles Jones & Edwin Gill – Mutual Funds

Charles Jones & Edwin Gill - Mutual Funds Mutual Funds: Your Money, Your Choice gives you an unvarnished look at both the positives and the negatives of mutual fund investing: the real risks, the real costs,...

Michael M. Pompian – Behavioral Finance & Wealth Management

Michael M. Pompian - Behavioral Finance & Wealth Management The book that applies behavioral finance to the real world Understanding how to use behavioral finance theory in investing is a hot topic these days. Nobel laureate...

Benjamin Eden – A Course In Monetary Economics Sequential Trade, Money, And Uncertainty

Benjamin Eden – A Course in Monetary Economics Sequential Trade, Money, and Uncertainty A Course in Monetary Economics is an insightful introduction to advanced topics in monetary economics. Accessible to students who have mastered the diagrammatic tools...

Peter Dunn & Rankin – Scaling Methods 2nd Ed

Peter Dunn-Rankin - Scaling Methods (2nd Ed.) Scaling Methods is written for professionals in the behavioral sciences who analyze data that results from subjective responses. Other books on scaling attitudes or measuring perceptions focus on the psychometrician's...

Andy Abraham – Following The Trend In Any Market Or Time Frame

Andy Abraham - Following the Trend in Any Market or Time Frame In his workshop, Andrew will explain a powerful trend-following concept viable for all periods and all markets. Andrew will show you how to identify...

Mark Tier – Becoming Rich

Mark Tier – Becoming RichWarren Buffett, Carl Icahn, and George Soros all started with nothing---and made billion-dollar fortunes solely by investing. But their investment strategies are so widely divergent, what could they possibly have in common?...

Tanner Henkel & Jerrod Harlan – 7-Figure Email Machine

Tanner Henkel & Jerrod Harlan – 7-Figure Email Machine How Two Normal Guys Made $5,286,115 Writing & Testing Simple 120-Word Emails Discover the simple 4x4 Email System 7, 8, and 9 figure companies like Natural Health...

Michael Wood – Making Sense of Statistics

Michael Wood – Making Sense of StatisticsMaking Sense of Statistics provides a thorough, but accessible, introduction to statistics and probability, without the distractions of mathematics. The book does not require you to use any algebraic formulae or...

Abhijit S. Pandya – Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++

Abhijit S. Pandya – Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++The addition of artificial neural network computing to traditional pattern recognition has given rise to a new, different, and more powerful methodology that is presented in...

Franklin Hatchett – Savage Affiliates 2.0

The ULTIMATE BLUEPRINT That Will Help You Start And Build An Online Business! Let me ask you a question... What if you could wake up one random day, say a Wednesday... And spontaneously book a ticket...

Peter Lynch – Beating the Street

Peter Lynch – Beating the Street Develop a Winning Investment Strategy-with Expert Advice from “The Nation’s #1 Money Manager.” Peter Lynch’s “invest in what you know” strategy has made him a household name with investors both big...

Julius S .Bendat – Ramdom Data

Julius S. Bendat – Ramdom DataFrom the Back CoverA timely update of the classic book on the theory and application of random data analysis First published in 1971, Random Data served as an authoritative book on the analysis...

Van Vizovisek – Become a Jedi Copy Master

Become a Jedi Copy Master ByVan Vizovisek Broke college kid starts writing for one of the biggest supplement companies in the industry. This is for everybody who hates waking up to an alarm clock, commute, regular...

John R. Wolberg – Expert Trading Systems

John R. Wolberg – Expert Trading Systems With the proliferation of computer programs to predict market direction, professional traders and sophisticated individual investors have increasingly turned to mathematical modeling to develop predictive systems. Kernel regression is a...

Timothy C. Urdan – Statistics in Plain English

Timothy C. Urdan – Statistics in Plain EnglishThis introductory textbook provides an inexpensive, brief overview of statistics to help readers gain a better understanding of how statistics work and how to interpret them correctly. Each chapter...

Joseph C. H. Chai – Economic Reform in China & India

Joseph C. H. Chai – Economic Reform in China & India With rapid change occurring in both India and China, this systematic review of reform and development is a welcome addition to the economics literature. Both...

Content Mavericks – Content Marketing Masters

I've documented everything I do that works (and continues to work).I've created video tutorials, and case studies too. Content Marketing Masters is more than a course, it's a full content marketing system. You can take it for...

Michael Valtos – Order Flow Dynamics

The Order Flow Dynamics Trading Course In the Order Flow Dynamics course, we concentrate on the representation of traded price activity by observing the footprints left by traders which are the result of supply, demand, human...