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& Principle

Principle came out in November 1978, with the Dow at 790. While this book was immediately regarded by reviewers as the definitive textbook on the Wave Principle, it handily missed the bestseller list by several hundred thousand copies. Nevertheless, due to the spiraling interest in its fascinating content and the continuing success of its long-range forecast, Principle has sold more copies every year and has now achieved the status of a Wall Street classic. In this newly expanded edition, every word involving expectations for the future has been kept intact as it originally appeared In that regard, the book remains precisely in its original 1978 form to allow new readers to investigate both the successes and errors in the forecast presented by Frost and Prechter those many years ago. In referring to that forecast in a 1989 article, investment analyst James W. Cowan said, “Even allowing for minor stumbles, that 1978 prediction must go down as the most remarkable stock market prediction of all time.” That decisive reaction came as a result of the market’s path only up to that time. It remains to be seen whether the final stage of the book’s forecast, “three or four years of chaotic conditions in the economy and the markets,” given twelve years ago in Chapter 8, will occur. The authors, to be sure, stick by their scenario. This expanded 1990 edition features this publisher’s note, an enhanced text in several chapters, an appendix on the Wave Principle’s fractal nature, and a market forecast update for the 1990s. Otherwise, like the Wave Principle itself, this book has stood the test of time.

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