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Raymond Merriman - The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing (Volume V) Technical Analysis and Price Objectives



This book is 300 pages, printed in perfect bind format, gloss cover, 8-1/2” x 11” size, and basically the same style as the other four volumes. The price of this final volume is $144.00 plus postage.  There are special savings available for ordering all 5 volumes ($495 + postage, savings $114.00) or your choice of any four volumes ($415 plus postage, savings up to $99.00).

This publication will complete the project that started in 1996, and covered approximately 1600 pages of studies and strategies for all types of traders and investors, using our market timing methods. In all, this is a complete and unified approach to analyzing (and trading) financial markets, and especially stock indices. The previous 4 volumes have been on “when” to buy and sell, or how to forecast a future cycle low or high. This last volume addresses the subject of “where” to buy and sell, or at what price to buy and sell. It is the art and science of “forecasting price targets.” It is the missing link to the first four volumes. It details the mathematical formulas and technical studies used to enhance timing of entry and exit in any market, but especially stock indices.

Here are some early REVIEWS on this book:

"The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing series is truly a life’s work of grand proportion.  Raymond Merriman has built the foundation upon which Financial Astrology can securely rest. Volumes 1-4 were more than a foundation, they were an edifice, and Volume 5: Technical Analysis and Price Objectives, is the pinnacle. Coupled with the timing strategies of the first 4 volumes, these volumes provide a complete trading methodology, brilliantly and logically presented, that any person who makes the time and the effort to understand, may trade profitably."
- Duke O’Neil, President, Capstone Capital Wealth Management, Boulder, Colorado.

“After reading many books about the market's behavior, I find Ray Merriman's series of 5 volumes easy to read and comprehend. Taking the time to study and understand their content has paid off in more then monetary ways. Volume 5 is the crown jewel of the series because it uses the information of 1 thru 4, and then adds some missing links that bring it all together. Thank you, Ray, for these valuable works.”
- Dan (North Port Florida)

“Amazing! I love the book! It adds another dimension onto it all....and now I finally
know what the TIP is and where it comes from.”
- Stuart M, Trader, Newport, RI

“I have been a long time loyal follower of Raymond Merriman’s financial astrology methodology. The completion of this Volume 5 of the series gives you the measurement part of his methodology. This book describes in details how to calculate each cycle’s support/resistance levels, bullish/bearish crossover zones, trend indicators, etc. I am a long time Merriman Market Analysis Newsletter reader. It has never ceased to amaze me how accurate those levels are given in the newsletter. I often wonder how Ray calculates those levels. By setting up my trades using those levels together with his timing methodology, I have profited greatly. I sincerely feel that Volume 5 of the series finally gives the whole investment community the full story about Ray’s lifetime work and the complete description of his financial astrology methodology. It will be a great treasure to all serious market participants.”

Kenneth Laio, Trader and Chief Technology Officer, Sequoia Media Inc., Beijing, China.

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