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I offer the intermediate course as an accompaniment to the basic course but please note that the intermediate course does not include the basic course. The two are sold separately so it’s best to start with the basic and then purchase this one if you’re ready to progress to more advanced material. I have many customers tell me they learned a lot from the ebook and basic course videos and would like to learn more about scalping but they are not sure if they’re ready for a two-week webinar or even sure if they really want to try trading full-time. So after receiving multiple requests for an intermediate-level course that could help them decide how to proceed, I put together a more advanced instructional course that shows sample trades from several of the webinars. These trades are representative of the setups I describe in my book and are excellent examples of why size matters. I give extremely detailed explanations about why I decided to enter and exit the trades and I feel these videos along with the webinar videos prove that reading the order flow is critical to long-term success in day trading.

There are seven trades shown and each one illustrates how I apply the methodology in real-time. I cover breakouts, reversals, pure price action reads in the middle of ranges, how to use the cumulative volume profile, and the infamous Smackdown setup which I discuss in the No BS ebook.

There is also documentation that explains the following concepts in more detail:

  • How I determine which treasury market to trade during a given time
  • Understanding drawdowns and how to deal with them
  • Knowing when to increase or decrease the size and determining how many contracts should be added or subtracted

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