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- Audiobook Income Academy (AIA 1.0)

How to Build Your Own Audiobook Self-Publishing Business

By far, the Mikkelsen twins have made more money with the audiobooks. ... And if you do things right, the money keeps coming in month after month. The more books you create, the more income you receive.

The following are their five principles for running a successful low-stress business.

  • Work as many hours as you can and save as much as you can. Hard work now will pay off later. 
  • Invest and reinvest your time, energy, and money. 
  • Focus and become obsessed with achieving your goals. 
  • Don’t stray from the path. (That is, stick with a proven online program.) 
  • Learn from your mistakes and implement them.

All of this sounds simple in theory but hard to carry out. To these principles, you need someone to hold you accountable. Though not everyone can have a real identical twin, everyone can have an Accountability Twin who’s on the same path. In the Mikkelsen twin’s private Facebook group for their course, everyone gets a chance to get paired up with an Accountability Twin so they can handle the biggest challenges together.

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