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The Dynamics Trading Course

In the Dynamics course, we concentrate on the representation of traded price activity by observing the footprints left by traders which are the result of supply, demand, human emotion, and market expectations.

Traders often suffer from "analysis paralysis" as they are overcome by a tremendous amount of useless and complicated technical analysis. Most of the time a few simple studies of the data in front of you provides you with the critical information needs to make a good trading decision.

The hardest part of order flow is reading the order flow. You have to know how to read it. It takes a little while to learn how to read order flow, but it is definitely worth it.

The purpose of this course is to enhance your market understanding. Your future success is your responsibility. Remember there is no automatic, foolproof formula or trading system.

Who Am I?

My name is and I was an institutional Futures trader for 20 years.  

In 2015, I started to teach retail traders how to properly trade order flow through the footprint chart.

I am not saying that I have discovered the Holy Grail of trading, but I do believe that I have an advantage over other educators in that I have actively traded the markets and researched the markets for over 20 years at institutional trading firms and not as a small account retail trader. I have insights into how the market moves that others just don't have.

Why I Created This Course

I was very fortunate in my trading career, both on the CME floor and the upstairs trading floor of investment banks and trading houses in that I got to meet and work with a lot of successful traders. In these environments, poor traders did not last long, so everyone there was successful in their approach to the markets. I met traders who were pretty set in their ways and were satisfied to keep trading the ways they have for many years. I met traders who were more open-minded and willing to adapt to current market conditions. What I realized is the traders who were more open-minded and willing to adapt did better.

It is like evolution, a trader who is fixed in his ways may be successful under normal market conditions, by normal I mean, low volatility conditions. Where the market is pretty constant. But when market conditions change the trader won't last long as what worked before no longer works. A trader who is open-minded and adaptable has a higher chance of survival as market conditions change because he is more in tune with the market.

Order flow is not about finding one piece of information and solving the market. Order flow is about taking the pieces of market information and solving the next step in the market. You are trying to understand what is happening in the market. What you are doing is building an argument for what is happening in the market to make an informed trading decision. This runs contrary to the approach most traders take when it comes to the market which is to take a piece of data and backtest it to see if it produces a profit or loss. There is no market understanding of trading that way.

The key to success is getting on the right path and learning the basics of how the market works and what makes them move. Computers can take the vast amounts of data put out by the exchanges and process it into an easy-to-read and understand format so that once you understand what is happening in the market, precisely in the order flow, you can spot opportunities and once you are able to spot opportunities you can take the best of them.

A trader needs continual development. When you think of the term market discipline, you think "I just have to plan my trade and trade my plan." Market discipline is much deeper than that. Market discipline is a compass, you find your direction and keep going in that direction. It is accomplished through continual exposure to and learning of the markets together with the desire to keep improving as a trader.

The more you see, the more trades you have, and the better your chances for success.

The Markets Are Dynamic

Many beginning traders think all they have to do is study the markets for a short period of time and they will find the hidden secret of the market, what makes the market move. They think that they can identify something about the market that will allow them to print money. They think they can find some simple method or technique that is foolproof. Moreover, they think they will find something about the market that will never change. Markets are dynamic are constantly changing. What you thought worked last week may not work this week. If the answer to the markets was so easy, everyone could trade and make a lot of money. Yet, nearly all traders lose money.


In just about every profession, it is necessary, and in most cases, required that professionals continuously refresh their skills and stay abreast of the latest research and developments in their field. Doctors spend a good part of the year attending conferences where they learn about new diseases, treatments, medicines, procedures, and new equipment. Would you want your doctor to not know about the latest developments in treatment when you go to see him? In some professions which require a license to do business, failure to take continuing education courses to keep up to date with the newest developments, a professional could lose their license.

Don't Just Read Books, Read The Market

Technology has made trading accessible to the masses and more importantly has helped to remove emotions from the trading thought process and made trading more objective and the process more mechanical.

What is presented in this course is to get you thinking about how markets develop and even if you come away with just a few good ideas that help you develop your own strategies into a method that fits your market approach and risk tolerance then you will see more success in your trading.

What You Will Learn In Dynamics

Module 1 Trade What's Right In Front Of You

Think beyond what just traded in terms of price. Look at how much and how the market traded at a price. Order flow allows you to see very precisely where volume is transacting in relation to the overall market structure.

Module 2 Market Internals

The reason most traders fail is that they focus solely on price. They disregard volume and more importantly they disregard how the market trades in the two-way auction. There are a lot of important data points that come out of the order flow if you know how to read them and apply them in your trading.

Module 3 Cumulative Delta

The cumulative delta running total of aggressive buyers against aggressive sellers. Learn what makes the cumulative delta information useful to the trader and how to apply it. A lot of traders miss the point of cumulative delta and ultimately disregard it, yet there are instances where cumulative delta can pinpoint market turning points very accurately.

Module 4 Trading Vertical Versus Horizontal

Markets move vertically and horizontally. When a market moves horizontally, profit opportunities are limited. But when a market moves vertically, the profit potential is great. However, the problem is most traders fail to capitalize on vertically moving markets because they only see the vertical move well after the fact. In this module, you will learn how to determine if a market is getting ready for a vertical move.

Module 5 Fresh Money In The

Fresh money is important to the market because it often comes from pure long-term traders who don't analyze charts because they trade sentiment and value. When these long-term traders come into the market, their size is so big THEY are the ones who start trends. As an order flow trader, you want to capitalize on this fresh money flowing into the market because you will find yourself in easy working trades.

Module 6 Rotations

Markets spend a lot of time rotating. Rotation is the natural ebb and flow of the market. Learn how to determine a market's rotation and use it to your advantage. When you understand a market's rotation will help you get better entries which will ultimately improve your trading results.

Module 7 Recognizing Initiative & Responsive

Order flow shows how many initiative buyers and sellers were present at every price as well as responsive buyers and sellers were present. Long-term players dictate trends and when the volume they wish to trade cannot be satisfied at one price their perception of value shifts and price starts to trend. This is an initiative activity. Responsive activity is when long-term traders dictate the end of a trend by withdrawing their initiative activity. In this module, I dig deeper into reading the order flow for initiative and responsive activity in the market.

Module 8 Trading The Stop Hunt

Losing traders always think other traders are out gunning for their stops. That is actually not really the case. Often times they place their stops at poor locations and get caught up in other, bigger stops being triggered. I explain how to determine in the order flow a stop being triggered and how you can take advantage of it for quick profits.

Module 9 Dynamic Trade Set Ups

In this module you will learn 7 order flow trade setups:
- The Five
- Oops POC
- Parallel Bars
- Naked POCs
- Layering In
- Bid/Ask Ratio
- Delta Pair Ups

Module 10 Risk, Money & Trade Management

Losses are a part of trading. That is a fact. It is part of doing business. That is why you have to control your losses. Keep them small and manageable. Don't let one loss be the cause of your entire trading career failure. A loss should not be a bullet to the head. It should be more of a punch to the body. One that you can take and keep going.

Module 11 Use To Let Winners Run

Every trading book and guru says "the key to success is to cut losses short and let your winners run." One of the hardest aspects of trading for many traders is knowing how to let winners run. Order flow will help you see when to cut your losses early and stay in winning trades longer. Being able to let your winning trades run longer is often the difference between success and failure for many traders.

Module 12 Putting It All Together

Order flow is not some indicator, it is the market. Now that you understand how to read the order flow, you will see the market unfolding like a book. Learn how to apply what you have learned in this course and apply it to your own trading plan.

What You Will Learn In Dynamics

Dynamics is a 12-module video course that covers topics on order flow that have not been covered before in any previous courses.

Each module comes with a video that can be watched online or downloaded to your PC, tablet, or smartphone. It also comes with a downloadable PDF that you can print and write your notes on.

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