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* Choosing profitable investments * Getting unbiased professional advice * Avoiding Insurance, Brokerage, and other scams

Protect Your Wealth and Well-Being Now and for Years to Come

In light of the new risks our country and our economy are facing, entering your fifties with an effective financial and personal plan for your future is now more crucial than ever-to make sure you can truly enjoy your golden years. The Ultimate Safe Money Guide was especially designed to help you map out your plan in this new environment, so that you can stop worrying about your money and just enjoy life.

Step by step, Martin Weiss-an expert in financial ratings and consumer protection-introduces, explains, and helps solve many of the new challenges and risks that face millions of Americans over fifty, including how to find: * Truly profitable investments with the least risk * Protection against investment losses * The worst and best insurance policies and annuities * The best health insurance solution for you * The right plan for your long-term health care

The Ultimate Safe Money Guide is an important source of information for anyone planning for a secure future during their fifties and beyond. Expert advice and proven guidance will prepare you for this critical juncture in your life at a critical time in our history, putting you on the road to a satisfying retirement, where you are always firmly in control.

Table of Contents


  1. The Great Stock Market Scam.
  2. Five Lessons from the Great Stock Market Scam.
  3. Broken by Your Broker? Here’s How to Get Money Back.
  4. Safety and Yield Are Your Best Escape.
  5. Profits Are Your Best Revenge.
  6. Investing in Individual Stocks?
  7. Protect Your Wealth!
  8. The Great Insurance Cover-Up.
  9. What You Need to Know about Life Insurance.
  10. Annuities—The Pros and Cons.
  11. The Case against Tax-Exempt Bonds.
  12. Health Insurance Decision for Seniors: HMO or Medigap?
  13. What about Your Long-Term Care? Do You Need Insurance? What Kind? When? How Much?
  14. “Help! This Is the First Time I’ve Had to Make My Own Investment Decisions! What Do I Do?”

Appendix A: Risk Self-Test.

Appendix B: How to Avoid a Broker That Will Break You, and Find One That Can Truly Help You.

Appendix C: Investment Watchdog Agencies.

Appendix D: Other Resources for Investors.

Appendix E: Medicare, Medigap, and Long-Term Care: Piecing the Puzzle Together.

Appendix F: Long-Term-Care Planner.

Appendix G: Helpful Organizations, Publications, and Programs.



Author Information

MARTIN D. WEISS, PhD, is Chairman of Weiss Ratings, Inc. in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, providing independent ratings on stocks, mutual funds, brokerage firms, banks, and insurance companies. It is the only major ratings agency that is 100% free of conflicts of interest, receiving no remuneration from the companies it covers. Weiss has testified before Congress several times and has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN. He is also the author of Crash Profits: Make Money When Stocks Sink and Soar!, also published by Wiley.

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