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Maria Bartiromo - Use the News

Explaining the methods that have made her -- and her stock picks -- famous, Maria Bartiromo tells investors how to use hot information to make money in any market, raging bull or lumbering bear. Packed with sage advice from the most influential people on Wall Street, Use the News is an indispensable investment handbook that will disclose the Wall Street insiders' secrets and show you how to take control of your investments. Review

Virtually everyone tuned into the stock market during the past few years is plugged into CNBC, and virtually everyone plugged into CNBC is familiar with Maria Bartiromo. Striking, articulate, and always at the center of the cable station's Wall Street action, Bartiromo has become a welcome source of fiscal authority through incisive but accessible daily TV appearances that stretch from the early morning Squawk Boxto late afternoon's Market Wrap. Many viewers may think that her take on each day's events, and long-range perspective based upon them, are derived from years of academic study and exclusive inside tips. Not so, Bartiromo claims in Use the News. She says average investors can also separate the noise from the news and guide themselves to more profitable portfolios. In clear prose--like the direct language she employs on TV--Bartiromo shares the ideas and expertise of some of the Street's top executives, money managers, and analysts, explaining how the markets and financial-news machines really work and describing ways anyone can gather and assess useful data. "In this book, I'll expand on what I already do in my broadcasts: namely, level the playing field so that individual investors have the same information, understanding, and chances of success as the professionals," she writes. Fans, and even nonfans, should enjoy it. --Howard Rothman--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Publishers Weekly

With the stock market tumbling, investors who can efficiently sift through all the available financial information will have the best sense of how a stock will perform, claims Bartiromo. After all, that's what she does every day as an anchor for CNBC's Street Signs and Market Wrap, as a featured reporter on the cable channel's popular Squawk Box segment and as producer and host of Market Week with Maria Bartiromo. In a friendly, hands-on style, she offers readers a view of the stock market (both the big picture and various market sectors) from her vantage point as a reporter on the floor of the NYSE. No "math whiz," Bartiromo is adamant that understanding the market requires nothing more than "common sense and doing your homework." Relying on analysis from investment pros, corporate chiefs, dozens of excellent Web sites (ranging from those that carry breaking news about corporate events to government sites that store reams of meaningful data), faxes, e-mails and phone calls, Bartiromo demonstrates firsthand how she focuses on real-time, relevant data, analyzes what it does (and doesn't) say and puts the distilled information into context. Most important, Bartiromo reminds investors that they shouldn't rely on or always believe what they hear about a stock on television or read on the Internet without first doing some research of their own, even if the source is CNBC's star financial personality. (June)Forecast: Readers will find Bartiromo's voice of reason as appealing on the page as on the small screen. With a 25-city national radio campaign and a 15-city NPR syndicated feature, this book is bound for the business bestseller lists. Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

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