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Kim Krause Schwalm – Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive

Now Available! Your In-Home Version of My No-Holds-Barred LA Boot Camp Intensive

Earlier this year I revealed exactly what this secret was in my first-ever LA Boot Camp Intensive. Not only did I share my victorious Boardroom Tax Hotline control and the strategy behind it, but I also broke down some of my other million-dollar controls, including:  

  • A financial newsletter promotion that beat Jim Rutz not once, but twice…  
  • A joint health supplement promotion that was mailed successfully for over a decade…  
  • An 8-year control for a memory supplement that made it one of the biggest sellers in its niche…  
  • And another control I wrote for Boardroom that’s still mailing more than 10 years later! 

This live, one-day workshop—which I purposefully limited to just 10 attendees (and allowed one more to sneak through the door at the last moment)—took place in beautiful Hermosa Beach, California. In the room where beginning and advanced copywriters, marketers, and entrepreneurs alike.  

Fortunately, I made a last-minute decision to capture ALL of this invaluable, no-holds-barred teaching and sharing.

And now my entire LA Boot Camp Intensive presentation is available to you…along with the same 60-page, 4-color Guidebook entitled “Breakthrough Copywriting Secrets It’s Taken Me 19 Years to Learn…And Will Take You Only One Morning!” that each lucky participant received! 

Plus I’ve captured every word of my 3-hour presentation in a downloadable transcript you’ll want to read and refer to again and again.

A-List Secrets to Breakthrough Copy You Can Apply to Every Sales Promotion You Write

It gets even better. In my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive, each minute and page is jam-packed with A-List secrets to million-dollar copy you can apply to sales pages, emails, magalogs, VSLs, and other promos, including… 

  • Throw out your rule book! This is my #1 principle of direct mail copy from when I beat Jim Rutz’s promotion– and kept the control for over 3 years (financial promos almost never last a full year!)  
  • The taboo emotion my winning headline exposed to beat Parris Lampropoulus’ “unbeatable” 7-year control (This is how I became the first female copywriter to win a Boardroom control!)  
  • The world-class copywriter’s secret to predicting if your headline will fail miserably before you even test it (this won me to control that mail for over 10 years!)  
  • Facing writer’s block? Do this quick 1-minute search trick and you’ll be overflowing with big ideas!  
  • Want to fast-track your way to the A-List and win control after control? Stop making this common headline mistake even veterans fall prey to  
  • A non-technical formatting trick that keeps your audience reading every single word of your copy and wanting even more  
  • The simple 3-word secret to writing fascinations and headlines in million-dollar controls. My triple-punch formula reveals what separates A-List bullets from the rest. Miss ANY of these punches and say goodbye to your profits!  
  • The single question I always ask myself and coaching clients when crafting an irresistible, mouth-watering bullet  
  • One common yet an overlooked word that makes the claim in your headline both believable and enticing to your prospects (you probably say this word every day!)  
  • The one word you should AVOID using in your copy whenever possible. You’d be amazed how many times it sneaks into your writing!  
  • Is your guarantee stopping your prospect from buying? This little-known trick helps you formulate an ironclad, no-brainer guarantee even the most skeptical buyer can’t resist!  
  • And much more!


KIM KRAUSE SCHWALM was always a marketer who could write copy. She spent more than 13 years in the corporate world in various marketing positions—from Brand Manager to Publisher to launching and running the Healthy Directions supplement business and growing it to more than $23 million in sales within 3 years—before she started her freelance copywriting career in 1998.  

Now more than two decades later, Kim has built a reputation as one of the top A-level direct response copywriters in the country. She's racked up dozens of successful direct mail and online controls, beating legendary copywriters and becoming the first female copywriter to get Boardroom control.  

Kim writes winning copy and creates breakthrough marketing strategies for leading companies such as Soundview, Bottom Line, Agora, Green Valley Natural Solutions, and many others both in the United States and from England to Germany to Singapore.  

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics from Miami University in Ohio and earned her MBA in Marketing from Loyola University Maryland. Kim credits her creative and analytical mind and marketing know-how for giving her a must-needed edge in today’s increasingly competitive copywriting world—and wants to help others gain the same “marketing-savvy” advantage.  

She’s one of the few top-level copywriting veterans who’s still writing copy for clients…while being willing to share her success secrets to help up-and-coming copywriters go from “good” to “great”. 

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