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Here’s How We Created This Powerful System…

In October of 2015, we decided to take a stab at this whole “internet marketing” thing. We got so excited from the idea that we could create courses based on things that we’re passionate about and sell them online. There was one problem though…
Neither of us had any experience with internet marketing. But we didn’t let that stop us. We decided to start small with an Instagram page @elevateyourmindset, and take a stab at marketing our courses.
After our first month we had driven thousands of people to our sales funnel, but we had a problem… no one was buying our product.
So we decided to do something a little crazy…
We stopped listening to marketing experts and started to rely on our own intuition to find a strategy that works. After months of testing, and spending thousands of dollars on promotions we finally figured it out.
Our conversion rates started climbing… 6%, 18%, 34% and now around 62%. Our follower base shot up from 1,000 followers to over 75,000 followers, and we knew that we were on to something pretty special.

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