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– Product Creation eClass 2.0

Specifically, here’s what you’ll discover:

Week 1: 2-hour product creation

  • I show you exactly how to outline what I call your 1-1-1 products
  • I show you how to find the best products to create in seconds, using a secret research technique
  • I give you the “conversion template” to plug your product into
  • I give you the traffic source to plug into…
  • Best of all – these products require no proof!

Week 2 – ‘star latching’

  • A new technique never before taught in a product eclass training
  • I show you how to take a traffic source of fewer than 10 people…
  • …and turn it into several thousands of dollars in less than a month!

Week 3 – info product imports

  • You thought importing/exporting was only for physical goods? Wrong!
  • I show you how we make a killing by paying pennies for intellectual property…
  • …and making hundreds of thousands of dollars from it in return…
  • This is our version of “made in china”

Week 4 – the semester method

  • It’s not one-off payments…
  • But it’s not a membership either…
  • It’s something BRAND NEW never previously taught in an eclass
  • It’s a technique we’ve developed that makes me about $2,240 per HOUR!

Week 5 – price stretching

  • How did I turn a $4 product into a $47 product?
  • How did we buy rights to a product that sold for $17 and turned it into a $197 upfront, plus monthly continuity? The answer – is price stretching!
  • I will ONE MILLION PERCENT guarantee you will have at least 2 products by week 5…. This is how you double their value!

Week 6 – the $200,000 affiliate

  • The BEST way to make money as an affiliate…
  • …is to create a CERTAIN type of information product…yet…
  • Nobody does this or even knows how… except for ONE PERSON


is known as the $100 million dollar webinar man. His pitch webinars have set records in the information, coaching, affiliate, and software space.

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