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Investopedia Academy - Technical Analysis

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What will I learn?

  • Identify technical patterns, trends, signals and indicators which drive the behavior of price
  • Make educated projections to set optimal price targets.
  • Get out of bad trades quickly and stay in good ones longer.

This course includes:

  • Case studies showing you exactly how technical analysis can fuel pattern recognition, set price targets and plan your exit strategy.
  • Over 75 lessons of on demand video, exercises and interactive content.
  • 30 day free trial of All Star Charts with JC Parets.

This course is for: anyone (investors, students, retirees, traders) who wants to transform technical data and pricing trends into actionable trading plans.

About the Instructors

Chartered Market Technician JC Parets is the Founder of “All Star Charts” and is one of the most widely followed Technical Analysts in the world. His work has been regularly featured on Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business, ABC, CNN, and The Wall Street Journal, among other outlets. JC has been helping both professionals and retail investors identify winning trades for over 10 years, and with Technical Analysis – his first course for Investopedia Academy – JC takes this powerful market perspective and makes it useful for anyone in the world.

Students are Saying...

The way JC explains the details of Technical Analysis to a beginner like myself is amazing and the content is so rich. I can already apply the information in this course to my swing trading strategy. I am now able to identify my past mistakes and am making better trading decisions because of it.

John Thompson (Technical Analysis Student)

I am really enjoying the Technical Analysis course. They have a great professor that is simple and easy to understand, especially for a beginner like me!

Hung Le Phuoc (Student at MacEwan University)

Investopedia’s Technical Anlaysis course has taught me a lot of new information and is also reinforcing my prior knowledge on trading. I am even applying the knowledge I gained from this course to my cryptocurrency trading.

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