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Money Miracle. Use Other Peoples Money to Make You Rich

George’s new video course, The Money Miracle, will teach you everything you need to know in order to trade the physical commodity markets – and hopefully make a lot of money doing it.

’s Breakthrough Video Program Shows You How To Make $1,000 to $5,000 Per Day

Simulated Results Turn $5,000 into $1,135,000 or more!

The physical commodity markets foods, oil & gas, lumber, metals, etc. are among ’s favorite investments.

His reasoning is simple:

  • The cost of entry into most commodity markets is quite low It takes just over about $540, for example, to control 5,000 bushels of Wheat, at the mid-1999 price of $2.73 per bushel, a historic low. You could buy 10 contracts for $5,400.
  • The potential for profits is huge If the price of Wheat jumps to $5.00 per bushel – which is near its historic average price – your $540 investment turns into $11,350 per contract. And if you bought 10 contracts, you pocket $113,500!!
  • Trends are usually well-defined and of major proportions One look at a long-term price chart clearly shows that trends in physical commodities are clear-cut and cyclical…with big moves both up and down. These moves are HUGE profit opportunities!
  • All commodity futures have options Options give you a cheaper way to enter the market without giving up any profit potential. Using the Wheat example above, you could purchase 10 Wheat Options for your $540. By extension, a $5,400 investment now controls 100 contracts instead of 10 – and if Wheat rises to $5.00 per bushel, you make $1,135,000!!
  • Options carry less risk than futures

In future, you make or lose money with every price tick up or down. That’s why futures traders occasionally suffer huge losses. But in options, your total financial risk is only the cost of the premium – usually about one-tenth the margin on futures. So even if the market goes totally against you, the most you are out is your premium. Your risk is defined right to the penny!

The Money Miracle Teaches Everything

George’s new video course, The Money Miracle, will teach you everything you need to know in order to trade the physical commodity markets – and hopefully make a lot of money doing it.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Over 5 hours of Step-By-Step Video Instruction on how to analyze markets and place your trades to gain the most “bang for your buck” with the lowest risk.
  • Included 4 workshop video DVDs in original case

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