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FulcrumTrader Delta Volume Analysis Trading Course

Cumulative Delta Volume Analysis Course

“Supply & Demand Based Futures Trading…..It Just Makes Sense!”

Finally, there’s a clear-cut, robust futures trading method based on supply & demand volume analysis that allows you to discover and act with confidence on buying or selling biases in the markets…

Our immersive video Delta Volume Analysis Course places you on the proper path to align your trading with the supply & demand driven markets. provides a video based learning center, where either a developing trader or an advanced trader can learn the principles of Delta Volume Analysis and implement them in their trading. The course starts with a detailed introduction on how to set up and track both the cumulative delta volume in the futures markets and then charges forward with how to apply it to your trading!

Over 17 hours of thorough instruction with step by step guidance for the serious student!

With the Delta Volume Analysis Course you’ll learn these crucial concepts:

  • Principles of Delta Volume Analysis
  • Learn the 3 key principles to Delta Volume Analysis: Delta Zones of resting inventory, Delta volume divergences with price, and order flow bias and tracking.
  • Cumulative Delta description, fundamentals, and applications
  • Understanding how Delta is tracked and plotted accumulating all volume values sequentially for the timeframe and trading period you select.
  • Order flow bias and order flow transitions
  • Instruction in the art and science of real-time order flow analysis in the markets (high-tech tape reading).
  • Discover the three major trade setups: Delta Divergences with Price, Hidden Divergences, and the Commercial player’s grab for resting inventory
  • Helps to answer timeless trading questions: How do you know the double bottom or double top will break-out or return to the mean? How can I track commercial trading activity? What’s playing out in a “run for stops?” These modules allow you to spot supply and demand imbalance trade opportunities as they form high probability trade set-ups.
  • Delta Zones of resting inventory (“net” SHORT and “net” LONG accumulation zones)
  • Introduction to the intraday tracking of newly formed and existing Delta Zones of resting inventory….the same Delta Zones which create significant support and resistance levels.
  • Price “reactivity” and price “rotations” at Delta Zones of support and resistance
  • Understand how price reacts and at times rotates into Delta Zones of support and resistance.
  • Auction Market concepts as applied to Delta based futures trading
  • Learn the reasons why markets frequently trade back and forth between the zones of resting inventory.
  • Live market use of Cumulative Delta for trade set-up and entry
  • Watch recorded live market trading set-ups explained while using the powerful Cumulative Delta Volume study.
  • Live market Delta based trade management and trailing stop techniques
  • View recorded live market techniques to develop proper trade management with included examples of Delta based trailing stops.
  • Live market trade set-ups and entries with Delta based trend-following and counter-trend signals
  • See numerous examples of how traders can enter both counter-trend and trend-following intraday trades with a recorded live market perspective.
  • All the information you need to set up the Investor/RT – MarketDelta – Ninja Trader cumulative delta volume study with DTNIQ feed on your computer.

***You need to be able to daily download fresh data before US regular trading hours to ensure you can read the cumulative delta volume in the US equity index futures products accurately***

To get the best results in the most futures markets we recommend the Investor RT, Multicharts, or MarketDelta charting package with DTNIQ datafeed. We include NinjaTrader but, although there are excellent Cumulative Delta tools for it, NinjaTrader does not yet have continuous historical data as a standard feature. There are workarounds for this, but for ease of use, InvestorRT, Multicharts, and MarketDelta with DTNIQ is our best suggestion.

We understand changing or adding a charting package can be a hassle.

{{What markets can I use this in}}?

The FulcrumTrader Delta Volume Analysis Course primarily focuses our training lessons for the “ES” S&P E-mini futures contract, but we do also include some examples from other futures contracts for reference. The FulcrumTrader group has found that Delta Volume Analysis can be used on many futures contracts for intraday trading (ES, ZB, ZN, CL, QM, GC, FDAX, FESX, 6A, 6B, 6E, TF, YM, etc.) as well as for trading ETF’s and forex markets.

Here’s what one of our associates has to say about the program:

“I have been trading part-time since 1991 and full time since 1998. In all of this time I have experimented with and used just about every method of trading. The one thing that I am fully convinced of is that the markets are made up of smaller cycles within larger cycles and to be successful in trading one has to cycle in and out of positions on a continuous basis. Since being introduced to the concept of Cumulative Delta and how the Fulcrum Trader Group interprets the data to cycle positions in and out of the market, I have become much more consistent in my trading results. As a longer time-frame trader, using the Fulcrum method has allowed me to be more patient to wait for the set-ups and more patient to stay in a trade for deeper targets. Their daily play-by-play market commentary really changes how you look at markets. Using Cumulative Delta is a simple strategy in a complex game. The Fulcrum Trader Group helps you interpret and understand the strategy better than anyone else….This simply takes the guesswork out of the game. D. Patel”

How to Get Started…

The FulcrumTrader Delta Trading Course is an intensive video-based boot-camp education available through our 24/7 Learning Center, which gives you the tools and knowledge base to begin making good decisions in the markets and us the ability to change and update the program with ease. The course as originally released had 11 online videos and now more it has more than 17 hours in 33 online videos.

It’s a vital knowledge base for long-term successful futures trading…

Once you invest $697.00 in our course, you will receive full access to the Learning Center Page on to begin your “Supply & Demand” market education.

Included with the course are some extremely useful bonuses…

Bonus #1 Scalp Trading Index Futures in Alignment with Equities

A dynamite 3-part scalp trading series on how to use the 1 second NYSE Tick chart in conjunction with order flow transitions to ‘fine tune’ entries at the turning points in the market. Following the shifts in the NYSE equities is not only a great way to ‘get in the flow’ of the index futures, but with the index ETF’s as well.

Bonus #2 A Real-World Trading Psychology course

A three part comprehensive look at the mindset and behaviors and commitment needed for successful trading including the importance of risk management, position sizing, a realistic trade plan and a verifiable methodology to give you an edge and put you on the road to profitability.

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