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- Fibonacci Swing Trader 2.0

Are you looking for a way to trade the Forex that doesn't require you to micro-manage the trade from start to finish?

Do you want to gain more freedom from your dealing window by way of slightly longer-term trading horizons?

Is superior Reward-to-Risk performance something your current trading methods fail to deliver?

After much anticipation, the 'new and improved version 2.0 update of our training course is available now.

In fact, as a full member, you can enjoy online access to both versions, including the original from October 2010. V2 has been provided to fully reflect all of the refinements that have been made to the Daily Update service since the original launch, culminating in a superior methodology for reading the market momentum, finding Swing Trade setups, and acting on them in a timely manner.

The V2 course is provided by way of 10 comprehensively narrated and illustrated modules having a combined running time of about 710 minutes that's almost 12 hours of detailed instruction! Most training resources on the market today would either charge a fortune for content that deep, or for the same price offer a lot less. Truly, our intention with this offering is to provide unsurpassed value for money.



  • 1 Introduction: What It's All About 
  • 2 Chart Layout: Tools, Indicators & Annotations Used 
  • 3 The Triple Screen: Both a Scanning Tool and Entry Trigger 
  • 4 Drawing Retracement Coordinates: Swing Points and Fibonacci Confluences 
  • 5 Rules, Rules, Rules: Entering and Exiting the Trade Smartly 
  • 6 Difficult Setups: How to Avoid Them 
  • 7 Scaling Up and Down: Position Trading 
  • 8 Scaling Up and Down: Day Trading 
  • 9 Scaling Up and Down: Scalping 
  • 10 Four Sample Trades: Applying the Method

There are two main things that Fibonacci Swing Trader can do for you:

Show you how to swing trade – simply and effectively. Our 10-step method shows you how to identify a high-probability trading bias (either long or short – never both) based on a combination of just two simple analytical methods applied exclusively on up to three chart timeframes including the Weekly, Daily, and 4hr. If the market is trending, we then apply a method of finding dips in the uptrend or rallies in the downtrend (primarily but not exclusively on the 4hr chart) by way of Swing Point analysis, Stochastics confirmation signals, Fibonacci retracements and extensions, and simple confluences of Support/Resistance. Our exit strategy is routine and mechanical, allowing you to take profit at prudent and conservative targets which nevertheless offer the potential for very high Reward/Risk – often in the double digits!

Show you the opportunities and do most of the 'heavy lifting. Imagine if you could completely kiss goodbye all the drudgery of chart analysis trying to figure out what the appropriate trading bias ought to be, where the setup might materialize, where you might plan to get out of the trade, and what kind of opportunity that represents. Our Daily Update Service does exactly that – freeing up your time and energy to simply hunt for opportune entry points in line with the near-term forecast. Once in the trade, with Protective Stops and Limit Exits set, the only other consideration for you to address is removing risk from the trade as the market moves in the expected direction – and we provide a detailed method of how to do that in the course. Whether you use the Advisory service as a hands-on trading tool, or simply refer to it for the purpose of reinforcing concepts presented in the course, it makes an excellent companion to Fibonacci Swing Trader.

Fibonacci Swing Trading offers you, the trader, the following benefits:

  • Routine method: Learn to do it correctly once and you do it the same way every time – potentially, for the rest of your trading career!
  • Quasi-mechanical application: No guessing or ambivalence about where, when, why, or how to get out of the trade.
  • Superior Reward/Risk performance: Always better than 2:1 minimum target, usually looking for 3:1 up to 10:1 or better.
  • Sound system logic: Taking profit on a split position at levels that are usually quite attainable in a trending market.
  • Trading only with the trend: Based on the mantra of 'buy the dips, sell the rallies' – putting yourself in the path of least resistance.
  • Cash flow: Taking profits more regularly than would a Position Trader.

What Makes It Different?

Fibonacci Swing Trader is different from the competition in many respects, not only because of its unparalleled logic and through-the-roof Reward/Risk potential, but because unlike many alert services, we don't presume to tell you what to do (and when) for no clearly stated reason. Hey – if you think you're doing yourself a favor taking passive, 'red light/green light' trading signals from somebody who doesn't take the time to explain their methodology, you might find yourself in a vulnerable position when one day that alert service packs up and you've learned nothing about how to trade and how to think for yourself as a trader.

Our goal is to instead offer you a rock-solid foundation in Swing Trading, which you can apply with or without the complementary Advisory service; as well as an opportunity identification system that lets you focus all your efforts exclusively on taking the trade having left all the background prep to us. But even if you come to rely heavily on the Advisory service, at least you've had the training to know why We Make The Recommendations We Do.

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