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– The Series

Are You Really Profitable In Trading..?

Learn An Effective Forex Strategy That CanMassively Improve Your Forex Earnings, Skyrocket Your Overall Success Ratio, Plus Give You An Edge In The Forex Market..

Hey Friend.

Well finally it is here, the final release of my core trading strategy that is the same strategy that I have also used in professional coaching. You asked for it and so here it is..

Let me first introduce myself, my name is Timon Weller and I have been trading now for many years. Like many others I had my ups and downs in this business, yet unlike many others I never gave up. Now, after many years of training, trading and success in the Forex Market and also teaching, I have finally decided to release my professional training program in a video series. Please bare in mind that this is the same strategy that would normally cost buckets loads in personal coaching.

That is where the Video Series comes in, a core training video series going over what I teach in a simple to understand fashion, going over a secret method and hard to identify pattern that turns an average trader within a few major changes into a much more profitable and professional trader..

Lessons Covered In the Video Series:

Identifying Major Structure

  • Identifying the Signal
  • Taking the Trade and Money Management
  • Understanding the Engulfing Candle Video
  • Advanced Entering
  • Advanced Entering Part 2
  • How to Trade on the Daily and Weekly Chart
  • How to Trade on the 4 Hour Chart
  • How to Trade on the 1 Hour Chart
  • How to Trade on the 15 Minute Chart

… The truth is this is not just a strategy, it is also a complete training series. No matter who you are, what sort of trader, you will still benefit.

Series covers over 3 hours of core training and understanding of what makes this simple yet effective Price Action Strategy work. 

Story Behind The Strategy

Well, you probably want to know how this profitable strategy came around. Well, it is an interesting story, in the beginning there was one point and I am sure you can relate where I had gone from an okay trader to a trader that assumed that by having all sorts of indicators on the chart that it would help.. Well I was wrong there.. It was not until one day that things changed.. I mean, I had tried so many strategies out there, I mean you name it and I have probably traded it… And none worked, until something changed in me. I mean it was also me that had to change, not just the strategy.

In the past I had tried robots, all sorts of indicators, stochastic, macd, bollinger, you name it, I was literally killing my charts with confusing formulas that simply did not make sense, not only that i was tired and fed up from it. Does this sound familiar?

That is when it happened, one day i was so fed up with trading that i simply decided not to trade. It was crunch time.. I made myself another promise yeah and i was so determined, yet the promise was NOT to GIVE UP.. Instead, what i did was scour the charts and simply put, started looking at clean price charts.

I literally spent weeks looking over the charts day in day out ( almost meditating it seemed ), even my wife was saying.. “What the heck are you doing..?” But , i would respond.. “No worries.” I was so determined to make sense of it all..

Then it literally hit me one day like almost sun shining through rainy clouds, I had noticed a pattern that reemerged all over the charts time and time again. And here is the thing, I knew it was there but could not see it.

For weeks i spent back testing it, this simple pattern at certain places on the chart, in fact i spent 2 months of long hours and analyzing.

And then it finally happened, what was once invisible could be seen clearly to me and all i needed to know now is that is it profitable..? Well, let’s just say the results if one followed the process in the strategy were staggering..

.. And that is what birthed the concept of The , a easy to follow strategy once shown in detail how to trade that can literally change lives.. A game changer..

… So, this is the same strategy that i use in coaching and teaching my students. Not only has it been tested in back testing environment extensively, it has also been extensively tested live over 2 years plus it is not based on indicators which meant it could stand the test of time..

… Not only that, but it has also changed the lives of many people that I have taught and are trading live, in which i have received numerous positive feedback on a regular basis.

Overall The is a complete training package unlike any other.. Years of testing and years of real results.

What Other People Are Saying

“As a teacher and coach in the Forex Community I Timon Weller am honored to be appreciated in the Forex community and to give back by providing my core training and strategy in one video and book series which you can have to own and watch at your own leisure. It is also my great pleasure to provide at an affordable price for all. I put a lot of passion into my teaching and my results in my students speak for themselves.. Check out some below. ”
– Timon

The is simple effective and works..!
– Quynh

I have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on numerous training webinars and software’s, yet after listening to Timon for more than 20 minutes I had already learnt more from the Forex Market in that amount of time.
– Dave

Seriously, Timon is a visionary in the Forex community, learnt more from Timon in days than I have learned from anyone else. He is a leader in Price Action methodology and Psychology...
– Angela

Amazing, that is all i can say, I have been trading now for over a week and up over 300 pips without any drawdown, you have seriously changed my life.. Thankyou..
– Jake

I receive many positive testimonials and feedback on The on a regular basis. To check out more of the comments people are leaving on this training series

How Does It Work?

The core strategy can be broken up into 3 main parts of process, one looking for the right place to trade which is shown in part 1 of the series.

The second part is identifying the right signal and price action as we all know not all price action is equal or as profitable as another and thirdly in part three of the series we go over in detail money management and reveal a way to get the most out of the market in multiple conditions.

In the third part as well we go over how to take action as well.

Not only that, there is also bonus videos in the training series, such as Understanding the Engulfing Candle and Advanced Entering Options Part 1 and 2.

What Do You Get In The Training And How Much Does It Cost?

In the pack includes 12 videos which go in detail how to Trade the strategy. This is a massive over 3 hours of core condensed training.

Also in the pack is The Book ( In Digital High Quality PDF format ) which you can use for reference with the strategy, just the book alone is exceedingly high value.

Also, to even make it better, is included print sheets for a A grade signal both Buy and Sell and a Bonus Rule Set sheet. All available for printing out and putting on the wall as reference and a guide.

Overall unbelievable amounts of value and information and like i said not just a strategy, a complete training series as well in Price Action.

As for price, that is the good news for you as a interested customer, while I could be charging an arm and a leg for this strategy however instead I decided making it affordable for everyone is the best road.

… So at an affordable $49.95 USD dollars for the digital version everyone can be happy.

… Think on that, Less than $50 USD.

Like I said, the price could be easily be 500 dollars or more ( priceless really ), yet that is not the point, I wanted you all to be able to enjoy it and in a way it was my way of giving back to the Forex community as well..

As as option when buying you have two choices, purchase the instant digital download version ( quick and easy ) or purchase a hard copy on DVD ( with everything inside the DVD ). Hard copy DVD version using high quality 1080P video quality.

Digital is $49.95 USD and DVD is $79.95 USD.

The Choice is yours.

… All the Best and Happy Trading.

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