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– The Art of Trading a Correction

Art of Trading A Correction series will give you step-by-step instructions on how to identify the time and price targets for the end of corrections and specific trade strategies for low-risk trades.

In the Art of Trading A Correction, you will learn:

Specific entry and stop strategies.

How multiple unit trade strategies should up your net profitability.

And a whole lot more


Your Trading Guide
Robert Miner
Robert wrote the first self-paced, Home Study Futures Trading Course in 1989 based on his unique integration of Elliott Wave, W. D. Gann, and Fibonacci Time and Price.

Author of one of the most popular Trading Books of All Time: High Probability Trade Strategies – Entry to Exit Tactics for the Forex, Futures, and Stock Markets which has been translated into seven languages.

A successful trader who has placed in the top three of several annual real money trading contests with double and triple-digit yearly returns over the past 25 years.

Robert developed his own unique combination of Multiple Time Frame Fib Time and Price projections. Dual Time Frame Momentum strategies and very simplified but powerful Elliott Wave strategies. You’ll gain insight into a complete trading plan with his award-winning and proven trading approach.

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