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– Safety in the Markets 9-DVD Series

The Ultimate GANN Course

The Ultimate Gann Course has been written for those who wish to apply pure Gann methods of time and price to their trading calculations. Building on the lessons you have learnt in the first two programs, the Ultimate Gann Course takes your trading to a new level as it introduces you to many of Gann’s advanced techniques. Squaring Time and Price, Time by Degrees and how to calculate it for any market, Forecasting and the Power of Squares are all covered in this course.


  • Introduction
  • Key Form Reading
  • Concepts – including
  • Position of the Market


  • Swing Charts
  • How to make the most money out of the market


  • Time By Degrees
  • Determine likely tops and bottoms, calculate them for yourself.
  • A New Way of Looking at Things – with a natural timing cycles and numbers.


  • Squaring Time and Price – Gann’s methods of determining dates of tops and bottoms.


  • Squares and their application and the psychology of trading.


  • Trading Plans – see how each plan fits into the big picture.


  • Tricks of the Trade – speed angles and equal ranges (Gann’s 1950/51 Soybeans lesson).


  • Trading Mastery – David shows you exactly how he enters each trade and pulls everything together.


  • Long Term Forecasting – examples of how David puts together long term forecasts.
  • Predict market moves
  • Increase your profitability!

This is your ultimate guide to trading effectively!

Safety in the Markets

We’re building a new Safety in the Market for you!

25 years after Safety in the Market began, it’s about to go full circle.  After a long and successful association with The Hubb Organisation the time has come for Safety in the Market to go in a new direction.  With the help of David himself, we’re working hard behind the scenes to build a new look Safety in the Market.   Our focus is to build a place where people can come and learn the skills they need to trade the markets. Over the coming months you’ll hear more about our new vision for Safety in the Market.  But first we’re keen to hear your thoughts.  Take a moment to pop over to our be the first to know page.  Here you’ll be able to register your details and most importantly, tell us what you’d like to see included in the new look Safety in the Market.  We’re passionate about creating competent traders and we’re keen to hear how we can better support you.

Since 1989 when David launched Safety in the Market he has been known as a leading authority on Gann trading. Though many don’t realise he didn’t set out to be a public figure and educator. It was during a visit to the US in the 1980’s when he was attending a trading seminar that he realised how much he had learnt and was compelled to run a seminar, just one, to teach those that were interested what he had deciphered from Gann’s lessons. That seminar, run in Buderim Queensland with just 15 people, was the start of an amazing journey for David. News quickly spread of his understanding of Gann’s teachings and the success he was experiencing in his trading. Soon his phone was ringing with requests from publications to give his opinion on the market. Write ups in Stocks and Commodities and the Research Technology newsletter increased his profile and soon Safety in the Market was born. David will be the first to say that trading has been very kind to him. If you were fortunate enough to attend one of his seminars or catch up with him for a chat he may have told you the story of the time he was so confident of his analysis that he told his wife Pauline to go and find them a new house, which he then paid for in cash from one week’s trading using Time by Degrees.  After a long break from being involved with the business, we are thrilled to have him once again overseeing the growth of Safety in the Market. When he’s not mentoring our team on better ways to teach his methodologies you’ll probably find him working with his mechanic as they restore another classic race car. His car collection is well known in the motoring industry with over 70 cars in his collection. If you are an avid car fan you just might see him at a race meeting here or overseas as one of his rare cars is showcased and displayed for all to enjoy.

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