0DTE Options Charting Secrets

The "0DTE Options Charting Secrets" course is designed to teach traders how to effectively trade 0DTE (Zero-Delta Time Expiration) options using advanced charting techniques1. Here are some key features of the course:

  • Live Training Sessions: There are live training sessions where TG Watkins walks you through his upgraded Moxie trading method step-by-step.
  • Real-World Examples: The course includes real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the effectiveness of the strategies taught.
  • Actionable Setups: The course covers how to identify actionable setups using the Moxie Indicator and other tools, helping traders find timely and explosive trades.
  • 0DTE Trading Strategy: Learn TG Watkins' innovative 0DTE trading strategy, which focuses on targeting double and triple-digit trades.
  • Moxie Indicator: The course introduces the Moxie Indicator, a powerful tool that helps traders identify actionable setups and make better-informed trading decisions.

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