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– Clicks Into Customers 2.0

Here’s A Sneak Peek Of What We Will Teach You.

  • Facebook Fundamentals of 2017 – Last year, we targeted our Facebook ads to 5 million entrepreneurs on an average of 5 times per person. What would that type of exposure do for your brand?
  • YouTube Remarketing – You know those annoying ads that show up before you watch a YouTube video? Well, they work and we will show you how to use them!
  • Facebook Live” For Profit – This is one of the greatest features Facebook has ever released and we can teach you how to monetize it. It is the simplest way of marketing and it’s FREE.
  • Facebook Messenger Ads – It’s amazing how many people will ignore your calls and emails but respond to messages. This is one of Facebook’s newest features. It is a complete game changer and we will show you how to monetize it.
  • Instagram Ads – Think your niche isn’t on Instagram? Think again.
  • Facebook “Lead Ads” – Learn how and when to utilize this often cheap form of Facebook lead generation. Give one less step for your lead with pre-populated forms.
  • NEW Facebook Guidelines & Compliance – Facebook changes constantly and we are here to keep you in the know. We don’t want your ad accounts suspended because you might never get them back!

NEW Targeting Strategies

  • Targeting features are always changing and updating. We know about a lot of targeting tactics that you should be using but may not even know about. Manufacturing Fame – How to become an affordable celebrity a.k.a. how to be the go-to person in your niche and be everywhere that your audience is. Just think, every time someone logs into YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram they will see your smiling face and buy your $h!t.
  • The G.E.N.E.I.U.S. Process – The 7-step process Billy created to help any business in any niche attract and acquire customers by leveraging automation.
  • The G.E.N.E.I.U.S. Workbook – A set of templates, exercises, and PDFs that you can follow along, step by step, to create an advertising campaign for any niche
  • Email Marketing – An email list is your most valuable asset and it is STILL the most powerful form of marketing on the planet. We sent out millions of emails last year alone and we’ll show you the emails that have made us the most money.
  • Distribution – Make life easier by replicating and automating your campaigns across all of the most profitable advertising channels.
  • Campaign Strategies – The most important skill you will acquire in this course is the ability to come up with a killer marketing strategy for just about any business. Come up with the strategies that will set you apart from your competitors.
  • Payment Processing – If you don’t know how you should be collecting payments from your clients or for your clients, just listen to us. There is more to life than Paypal.
  • ClickFunnels & LeadPages – These are the 2 leading landing page/funnel creating programs. We’ll share some of our best-performing templates with you so you can easily duplicate them for yourself.


Billy wants to give you EVERYTHING we’ve ever created for basically free!

Why would he do such a thing?

Because, if you haven’t heard yet, Billy’s retiring from the digital info space and it’s his way of going out with the biggest impact (and the biggest bang).

Over the last decade, we’ve created courses, training, templates, books, whatever we could… to help others replicate our success.

And now you have the chance to get it ALL right here, right now.

Get Clicks Into Customers 2.0 or the other courses from the same one of these categories: , , , , , , , , , , for free on Share Cloud Link.

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