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This 2 day live seminar has now been converted to a Ebook for your benefit. The E book format makes it more accessible to more traders than using other ways of presenting this technique. No special software required. This approach will work with most charting packages and broker dealing stations.We offer full support: This is not just an Ebook that will leave you out in the cold. We answer any questions you ask. We also use these questions to update and clarify areas in the course and issue regular updates of the course to purchasers.

This however did not come easily. What you will see in this course are my own  practical am now, an independent trader trading my own account on a daily basis.  No theoretical text book stuff.I stopped teaching Forex trading a number of years ago but have kept close contact with the folks at Expert4x who (as before) have tempted me out of my daily trading routines to contribute to helping Forex traders gain more perspectives on ways of making money in the Forex market. I have made previous contributions in an interview series published by Expert4x last year and have developed a good trusting relationship with Expert4x through this series.

Unfortunately the Forex market has encouraged the "instant successful trader" concept using never fail automatic trading without much effort from the trader. From personal experience with thousands of prospective Forex Traders I have found that successful traders (even ones using automated systems) are the traders that go the extra mile, invest in their Forex trading career, and apply and test techniques in the market, make those techniques their own and trade every day.What you will see in this course are some simple techniques (1 trigger) that work extremely well.  Take this opportunity to learn a lot about how the Forex Market works and how you can make a good income from it.I hope to be of further assistance youTo your future in Forex Trading

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