Accessatrader - Private PS60 Feed (Feb 2019)
I'm Revealing My Proven Process & Best Opportunities So You Can Create Financial Freedom
Hey there!
My name is Dan Shapiro, and I've actively traded the markets for the last 20+ years. During that time, I've developed a proven process any trader can learn and use to quickly improve their win rates.
You're lucky you found this page, because I'm about to give you everything you need to succeed as a day trader.
I've put together something special called, my "Private PS60 Feed". When you become a member, I'll share my complete trading process, my daily insights, and all my wisdom from 20+ years of trading.
I don't teach trading concepts you can simply google, I don't share strategies I haven't thoroughly tested, and I don't keep the best opportunities for myself. I share what's working for me with those who are serious about day trading successfully.
As a result,Take the guesswork out of day trading and invest in mentorship. I wouldn't be where I am today without it, and I guarantee I can help you achieve your goals as long as you take action on the information I'm going to share with you.
as a resultI'm Giving You Everything You Need To Succeed
1. PS60 Masterclass: Nearly 4 hours of extensive training that teaches you the exact PS60 Process I use daily to trade. I've spent 20+ years perfecting my process and now you have the opportunity to learn and execute it profitably.
2. Another, Live Pivot Feed (Monday - Friday): During each trading day, you’ll receive my Live Pivot Feed which will help you spot profitable opportunities in real-time. Take the emotion out of trading, follow my process, and trade my best opportunities each day.
3. Nightly Recap Videos (Monday - Thursday): After each trading day, you’ll receive my recap video breaking down my most recent trades and my plan for the next session. Wake up with confidence knowing you have the plan of a veteran trader to follow for the day.
BONUS: Nightly Pivot Watchlists (Monday - Thursday): Before each trading day, you’ll receive my pivot watchlist where I prepare you by highlighting the best opportunities based on my PS60 Process.
You'll enter the markets every morning with profitable targets to keep your eye on. Even you decide to cancel your membership, you'll continue to receive a portion of these watchlists as long as you're subscribed to our email newsletter.
With this set of tools, you'll enter the market feeling like a veteran trader, and with time, profit like one too! Even more
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